Osu Citizen for Social Awareness

helping the

health and education

sectors of the Osu Community.

Osu Citizens for Social Awareness is a  501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization on a mission to address the education, poor health and nutritional status of the people, particularly children and women, of the West African, especially the OSU communities.

Help The Poor by reaching out to them with resources

Transcending Borders & Changing Lives

The OSU CITIZENS FOR SOCIAL AWARENESS, INC is a non-profit organization founded about seventeen years ago by some indigenes from the community of Osu, a suburb of Accra, the capital of Ghana, in West Africa, who are now living in the U.S.A.
Our mission is to organize fundraising activities aimed at helping the health and education sectors of the Osu Community. The OSU CITIZENS FOR SOCIAL AWARENESS, INC is organized exclusively for charitable, health, educational, and scientific purposes.



With the support of people like you, we help hospitals to combat overwhelming health statistic of poor healthcare and education.

Give A Helping Hand For Needy People

We are unique and special. Compassionate volunteers from all over the world join together, living and working toward a common mission. Serving with us offers the chance to build friendships and create memories that will last a lifetime. Community life is one of the most rewarding aspects of life on board.

We Help Thousand Of Peoples

Our Volunteers

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Mission is Give to Impact Lives

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

With the support of people like you, we deploy provision to combat this overwhelming statistic and provide the care and education that is so desperately needed..

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